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What do you do in a 'Mind-full' moment?

We asked our teams across the country.. 'What do you do in a 'Mind-full' moment?' 💚

Our Counsellors, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, Managers, Client Support Teams, Marketing and more told us what helps their wellbeing when they feel overwhelmed.

To celebrate World Mental Health Day we're taking a Mind-full Moment to ourselves today. What do you do in yours? 🌍

You can get 3 FREE Resources to help make the most of your Mind-full moment:

- Give me 5!

Take a moment to ground yourself. Use all your senses to focus and what's around you.

- Make it Mindful

Get moving! Perfect exercises to get our bodies moving with a mindful purpose.

- My Comfort Menu

Starters, Mains, Desserts - Children can make their very own Comfort Menu with all the things that help them depending on how they're feeling.

You can access them for FREE at Exchange Resource (our Training & Development Division) >

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0330 202 0283

9 Axis Court, Swansea, Wales SA7 0AJ

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